West Pak is proud to announce continued export growth for 2018 and forecasts additional progress with global markets for 2019.
Just back from Asia Fruit Logistica in Hong Kong, the worldwide supplier of premium avocados experienced a marked increase in commitments with existing and new customers. West Pak has seen exponential growth in its export program over the last two years in traditional markets such as Japan and Canada and with new emerging markets such as the Middle East, Korea, and other Southeast Asian countries.
When asked the reason for the sustained export growth, West Pak’s Vice President of Global Sourcing & International Business Development Kellen Newhouse pointed out that the increase in demand for the tasty green fruit is due in part to its recent heart-healthy designation.
“The popularity of avocados is increasing across the globe thanks to education efforts to help people realize the benefits of green fruit. Also, avocados as a whole have been deemed a wholesome part of a healthy lifestyle, and more people want to be a part of it. As the popularity of avocados continues to expand, West Pak will do its part to supply the tremendous demand,” said Newhouse.
To date, the West Pak team has expanded its presence across Asia, including into China, Singapore, Korea, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Just as exciting, West Pak’s I Love Avocados™ brand of bagged avocados has been placed into retailers throughout Singapore and Dubai.
To meet the global demand for avocados, West Pak has tapped their mastery of transportation logistics, ripening technology, and marketing expertise. The company has increased production with local growers and processing facilities in the U.S. and Mexico with additional sourcing from Chile and Peru. The idea is to supply year-round options for avocados to customers around the world.
“The growth of our export program has been pretty robust over the past few years. In addition to our dedication to supplying the best possible avocados and building strong long-term client relationships, I attribute our success with exports to the way that we manage things. We run West Pak differently than other companies and our export customers appreciate it. When they have a request, we make a decision and respond to them right away – whether it’s a price, a response to a price or even marketing or other support. They are not waiting for a communication chain. Because of that speed and our attention to detail, business has been very good for us,” Newhouse mentioned.
He added, “Looking ahead, we forecast continued growth into 2019 with increased avocado orders in existing territories. The world is falling in love with avocados, and we will see growth in traditional export markets as well as new ones for the foreseeable future.”