Packing & Operation
Fruit handling is an important facet of putting the best product on the marketing and ensuring quality and consistence every time.
Our modern facilities include such technologies as:
- Pallet and bin precooling
- Computerized sizers
- Forced air ripening
Quality Thru Technology: Inside our Distribution Centers
The headquarters of West Pak Avocado is made up of key departments that keep avocados ripe, fresh, and the best quality year -round.
Steps to Avocado Perfection
Our avocados go through our Compac 9000 CIR where they will be graded on quality and size. Once each avocado is graded, they are then transported to a predetermined location where they will be packaged into various configurations. Avocados can go to our bagging department where they will be bagged for a specific customer or they can go to our Just Ripe! Team to be ripened to perfection. At this point, the avocado is ready to be stored and prepared for delivery nationwide or internationally.
The types of technology we choose for sorting, selecting, and supplying the freshest fruit around, include:
- Compac Inspectra System
- Compac 9000 CIR
- PTI Labeling System
- UB-65 baggers & BRT baggers
- CMSA and Oshida weigher counter
- 1,000-pallet storage facility in Dallas, Texas, for a total of 2120 total pallet storage
It takes state-of-the-art facilities and modern equipment to handle the volume of fruit required to service customers worldwide. Our network of distribution centers, sales, and packaging facilities ensure quality and consistency every time.